Better Attitude, Better Life
Live for Generation Organization
L4GO has strategically crafted its mission: “Strengthen young people through providing opportunity to transform their lives in making active participation, informed and intelligent decisions on social, economic and political aspects”.
About Us
Live for Generation Organization
Live for Generation Organization (L4GO), a newly emerged non-for-profit, non-religions, non-political and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) was primarily established as attitude specialized youth lead Club by far-sighted Ethiopians youth and some likeminded peer partners regardless of their language, colour, ethnics as well as some other divisive social origins in 2015 based in Wolkite University (WKU) as well as evolved to youth empowerment association in 2017 based in Gurage Zone in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS) which is the third largest region in Ethiopia in terms of population, and is located in the South West of the country.
So far the sectoral focus of L4GO overlies on Six major thematic areas with there crosscutting issues.
Youth Employability & Entrepreneurship
Enhancement the youth employability and entrepreneurial potential through practical level.
Youth Empowerment
Women and Girls Capacity Development through socio-economic empowerment.
Young Peoples Reached
Achievement/ Success Story
L4GO has managed to score a number of achievements given its few years of existence, limited resources and experience in the field and other environmental factors. Some of the main achievements of L4GO include;
Transformed itself
Transformed itself from a university club to Association in Community as Zone Level and current as National Civic Society and Organization as board youth-led organization NGO.
Free talk and Motivational Program (FMP)
Provided peer to peer dialogue and experience exchange with recreational program under Free talk and Motivational Program (FMP) to 8205 youths.