Better Attitude, Better Life

Live for Generation Organization

L4GO has strategically crafted its mission: “Strengthen young people through providing opportunity to transform their lives in making active participation, informed and intelligent decisions on social, economic and political aspects”.

About Us

Live for Generation Organization

Live for Generation Organization (L4G), youth-led Civil Society Organization (CSO) was primarily established as youth led Club by far-sighted Ethiopians youth in 2015 based in Wolkite University (WKU) as well as evolved to youth empowerment association in 2017 based in Gurage Zone in former name Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS) or
currently in Central Ethiopia Region. Further, L4G was re-registered by the recent Proclamation 1113/2019 of Civic Society Authority of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (ACSO) on November 19, 2019 with registration No – 4573, as a national CSO at its Head Quarter based in Addis Ababa.

Since its establishment, L4G envisions “Seeing a better, active generation in thought, attitude and information” through a great determination and motto, "Better attitude, Better Life",

L4G has strategically crafted its mission: “Strengthen young people through providing opportunities to transform their lives in making active participation, informed and intelligent decisions on social, economic and political aspects”.

L4G promotes the well-being of Ethiopia youth by eliminating barriers to development, and also enabling youth to realize their full potential with an active role in their own and their country's development.

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Young Peoples Reached


Number of Volunteers


Number of Team


Number of L4G Clubs


So far the sectoral focus of L4G overlies on Six major thematic areas with there crosscutting issues.

Youth Employability & Entrepreneurship

Enhancement the youth employability and entrepreneurial potential through practical level.

Youth Advocacy

Advocating youth people to effectively realize their rights and duty.

Youth Empowerment

Women and Girls Capacity Development through socio-economic empowerment.

Youth Leadership

Encourage youth leader for future transformation of Ethiopia.

Youth Voluntarism

Developing the culture of volunteering and community Service

Youth Health

Youth Sexual & Reproductive Health Education, Family Planning and HTPs.

Achievement/ Success Story

L4GO has managed to score a number of achievements given its few years of existence, limited resources and experience in the field and other environmental factors. Some of the main achievements of L4GO include;

Transformed itself

Transformed itself from a university club to Association in Community as Zone Level and current as National Civic Society and Organization as board youth-led organization NGO.

Free talk and Motivational Program (FMP)

Provided peer to peer dialogue and experience exchange with recreational program under Free talk and Motivational Program (FMP) to 8205 youths.

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